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Lilith Workshop£99

Friday 7 March 2025, 7pm UK time + 7 day WhatsApp community

Learn about the Goddess Lilith and all her powers and how we can also channel this energy to radically transform out relationship with the self and others.

  • Total payment
  • 1xLilith Workshop£99

All prices in GBP


Hannah Gozlan

Every woman can benefit from this woman.
She taught me everything I know about boundaries; the foundation of how I live my life energetically today.
It’s saved me so much time, so much energy and its given me so much more peace.
She’s amazing.

Megan Sue Otto
Tarot Reader

My self-confidence slowly started to grow and by the end of the program, I had the tools to continue the work.
I have been out of the program for 2 months and I honestly feel like a completely different person.
I know who the fuck I am and I unapologetically show up in the world every single day.

Lena Dunham
Actor, Writer, Director

 Kate Tomas is incredible. 

She’s kept me out of catastrophe time and time again.